Hey, I have another sermon for you.
Today, our dogs, Bonnie and Clyde were in the dog pen behind our house when a baby dear wandered in.
We have to put him/her down.
Not the dogs, but the dear. It's very sad. We really can't blame our dogs, they were rescued and they had to hunt to survive. Why do things that didn't do anything wrong have to die? What possible purpose can this serve?
I think that they just hit the reset button of life. Reincarnation helps to deal with the fact that those who die aren't necessarily bad. They just get another chance at life. When an animal dies, their soul goes up to a kind of repository. Then they are used randomly whenever reproduction occurs. The soul determines personality and traumatic experiences scar the soul. Things like this cannot be proven but I believe that a soul is not eternally punished or rewarded, but he/she, is stored for later use across the universe. They mostly do not remember but occasionally, a soul does remember how it died. Have you heard the stories of children giving extremely accurate information about death and other important facts of a person's life in the past?
This is the result of a soul remembering its past life. Occasionally, there is an accident and two souls inhabit the same body. We call this MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder.
But, you say, "Doesn't a person with MPD get killed and another soul emerges in the same body"
This is ridiculous. If a body is so badly damaged that it cannot survive, then the other soul will not survive.
This is all my own theories and I don't think I hit the nail on the head, but I do feel that this area is worth exploring...